Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hello People!

Hello everyone. Well this is my first time ever blogging and i'm very excited about this. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting some very interesting people, and can't wait to share what is going on with me and my life. I have been reading other peoples blogs for a couple years and always find everyone so creative and fun, so here I go, hope I'm not boring.

1 comment:

Sande said...

I have read all your blogs and I find them not at all boring as I always want to find out more about you as I have always thought you one of the most interesting and crative peoples I have ever know...a tad bit annoying though when you where in your alice and wonderland stage...: / I am sorry I taped over that tape though...tring to get another one. looking forward to more blogs to get deep into your soulllllllllllllll!! hhhhhoouaaa! however u do that ghostly thing.
; }