Tuesday, February 27, 2007

goodbye winter!

Well it's almost spring and we didn't get much winter here in San Diego and I kinda miss it. This time next year I might not be saying that since we're moving to a place that gets really cold in the winter time. But for now I'll have to pretend, and dream about nice sweaters and mittens and the joy of buying that winter coat.
I'm really looking forward for spring, it's my favorite time of year. The flowers, the trees, my birthday, which happens to be next week. I know, it's not technically in spring but lets just say it does.
Monday we leave for our cruise and I can't tell you how super excited I am. I got a new birthday outfit yesterday, a dress from Anthropologie that I got on sale and even got an extra 30% off because the zipper didn't unzip all the way. How cool is that? I was expecting to pay about $150 for a dress and walked out of the store with only $60 less. I got some cool leggings and a very sweet sweater at Target, then I had to go to payless for some work shoes and they were having a buy one get one half off sale, so I got these really cute red wedge shoes that go perfectly with my dress. I never go in there so I was very pleasantly surprised to come out with such a good find. I'll try to get a picture of me on my birthday wearing my new outfit and post it. I also got some brown converse which happen to go with the outfit for a more daytime look. It was the best shopping day ever. Scott even found some good stuff. Now I just need to find some jeans since all of mine are so worn out there either frayed at the bottoms or ripped on the knees. I've had a gift card for Nordstrom's since 2 Christmas's ago that I have planned on spending on a new pair of jeans, that's how long I've needed some. It's so frustrating to find a good pair, I have long legs and I'll have to try on a bazillion pairs just to find that one pair worth spending over $100 on. It's too nerve racking I can't even think about anymore. Happy end of Winter everyone.

Monday, February 19, 2007

grapes & chocolate

Yesterday we went wine tasting in Temecula all afternoon. It was a gorgeous day and we all had so much fun. We started off at Wilson Creek winery because we heard they had some tasty almond champagne, and oh did they, it was delicious! They also make an awesome shot called the almond joy. It's 1/2 port, 1/2 almond champ. in a edible chocolate shot glass, and let me tell you I would drive all the way their again just for that. The pic. is of my friend Shana whose birthday it was on Valentines day and why we went wine tasting in the first place.
This is the card that I made for Shana. She has blond hair so I tried to keep that quality the same, but since she turned 30 I wanted to keep a childish playfulness that sometimes gets lost when we get older. My birthday is still my favorite day even though I wish it didn't come so fast every year. Birthdays just remind me when I was younger and all the excitement about planning the party and sending invites to all your friends, then everyone sitting around opening presents and eating cake. I loved that! Maybe someday I'll have another party like that. Soon enough it will be my turn to party, then it will be all gone for another year.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Here is my latest jewelry creation that is now at my shop I really like the way it turned out. I made another one using all freshwater pearls in different colors and a silver beaded bead for my friend Shana for her 30th birthday. We're going wine tasting tomorrow in Temecula, I'll give it to her then. Hope she likes it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy love day! As I promised yesterday here is the card that Scott made for me. I love it so much, he is such a creative guy. We only give each other homemade cards never store bought so I'm always super excited to see what he came up with. Isn't it wonderful? Scott I love you soooo much!!!!And here's the one that I made for him. The picture doesn't look as good as it does in person if I don't say myself but you get the picture. I embroidered "I LOVE YOU" into it, I think it turned out pretty good. Scott liks it so I guess that's what matters.
Well next month is my birthday and I can't wait to see my card.
I wish everyone a great day and hope that your spending it with someone you love!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

beach babe

well MoM, this picture is for you and all your surfing adventures!
Tomorrow is valentine's day and I'm sooo excited, even though I have to work. I hope everyone is in a happy mood when they come in, I really don't like to wait on grumpy people and holidays always brings out the grumps. Scott and I are celebrating next Monday on our next day off. I'll post our homemade V-Day cards tomorrow hopefully.

Friday, February 9, 2007

my cup of tea

I love these little teacups soooo much! They were featured on the Martha Stewart show today, and look very easy to make. There were cupcakes that were shown also I and really want to make those. All you need is some old wool sweaters so that you can felt them and a few other supplies. Looks like I'm going to be doing some thrift store hunting soon. If you want to make them go here.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

bon voyage!

It's official I'm going on my first cruise ever! I can't wait, we're going for my birthday next month. It's a 5 day cruise from Long Beach to Ensenada and we'll be stopping in Catalina. Going to Catalina was one of the places I wanted to visit before moving and figured it would never happen, but the tickets were so cheap we couldn't pass it up. Now I need a new dress, and I should probably stop eating now because I heard that the food on the ship is amazing, and it's all free so I'm guessing we'll both be indulging the whole week!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

ode to portland

For the past few weeks I've found myself doodling while watching movies or all my beloved shows I have dvr'ed. This is one that I found among all the loose drawings that reminds me of home and how excited I am to be moving back in less than 3 months. Lately I've been drawing cutesy little girls with flowers, birds, and balloons. I'm going to try and mess around with illustrator and photoshop to see if I can turn them into line drawings and color them. Maybe I can make cards or something with them. I'll be posting some more of the pics soon and hopefully some will have color. Valentine's cards? Who knows.