Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Carlsbad flower fields

We finally made it to the flower fields today and it was spectacular! We've lived less than a mile away from this 50 acre ranunculus field for almost 3 years now. I'm so happy I got to see it and take some pictures. It was the most gorgeous day out. In the picture you can see all the ladies wearing their purple outfits and red hats, they were all over the place.

The colors are amazing, and it makes it so much better that it overlooks the Pacific Ocean.

Spring really is my favorite season. The flowers are blooming everywhere. There are tiny hot pink flowers blanketing the sides of the I-5 right now, it looks like someone laid hot pink carpet down. Byrd's of Paradise are blooming at every intersection corner, lilies and roses are in everyone's yards.

I feel so lucky to have had the chance to get away from home and live somewhere else for a while and especially in Southern California. I've had so much fun while I've lived here and meet so many people. I have to admit that I'm really getting sad to leave now. When we still had a few months it was "I can't wait to leave and get back home" but now that there's only 3 weeks left it has hit hard that it's almost over and a new chapter is about to begin. I'm excited about this new chapter but still sad to close this one.
Above the flower fields are The Grand Pacific Palisades Resort. Scott use to work at the Karl Strauss Brewery right next door, what an awesome view they have.

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