Wednesday, April 4, 2007

bunnies & eggs everywhere

Here's the little bunny I made last night while watching a Van Wilder movie. It turned cute but not to my liking, the pom-poms where hard to get just right so that the bead eyes wouldn't sink into the head too far. Trial and error is the key I guess. Anyways It's still super adorable for the first one. I need to find some little flowers or something for her to hold in her arms.
These are the eggs I made with the wool roving. I love the colors, I'm thinking about getting some undyed wool and dying it myself. I hear kool-aid produces nice pastel colors.
Here's what the roving looks like after it's dyed. I got mine on ebay, it came with about 10 colors. It's so much fun to work with and my brain has been going crazy trying to come up with new ideas. I guess I'm way behind on this craft material and everyones been using it forever but whatever it's new to me and i like it.

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