Tuesday, May 8, 2007

All settled in

Look how gorgeous it is here. Well this isn't exactly where we live, but it's close. It's this place called Edgefield and it's so fun to hang out at all day long. We went on Saturday (Cinco De Mayo) and just hung out. First we went to the winery and tasted all sorts of great wine that they make right there on the property. Then we got a beer that they also make and walked around. They have so many little different areas to check out, there's a mini par 3 golf course, a hotel with a nice fancy restaurant and another building with a casual place to eat that also has a movie theater where you can grab a beer and a slice then go grab a couch and watch the show. All the little bars hidden all around the property are so much fun to explore like this one.
There's places like this all over Portland, so much to do.

So now we're all settled in, the apartment is set up and I start work this Friday. The weather has been so nice the past couple days in the 8o's and so sunny. Today we're going to my dad's house for dinner and I'm excited to to see my little brother and sister.
It's been a little surreal being back home it seems like so much has changed and I can hardly find my way around, but it's kinda like exploring a whole new city especially since Scott has never lived here before. We both miss San Diego a lot just like we new we would but we're having such a good time.

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