Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy October!

Wow, where did Summer go? I can't believe it's Fall already! I feel I had no warning, no time to ease into the new season. One day it was a hot, perfectly blue sky no cloud day, then the next POW it was Falls here and Summers gone for another year so-how-do-you-like-that? I'm kinda glad it's Fall though, now I have an excuse to go buy some warm weather clothes and a new winter coat (I'm thinking red, that sounds like a good winter coat color).
I found the picture or rather the 1970's ad in last months Portland Monthly magazine and just loved it. First of all it's my favorite color so right off that caught my eye and secondly I loved the simply graphicness (if that's even a word) of the design. The issue was all about "How we lived everyday life from 1869-1980" it was really interesting to see what was really going on more than 100 years ago and how it has transformed into the Portland today.

After a 50 year hiatus the Portland streetcar is back, and the color is great. 135 years ago the first horse-drawn trolley appeared in 1st Ave. and now it's coming over to the SE. Right down the street from us theres tracks being built for the streetcars to come to my part of town. I can't wait, soon we'll be able to jump on and ride downtown or other hard to find parking areas without the hassle of driving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you take me back cause I'm going to strawberry fields nothing is really...strawberry fields foreva! yeah that pic takes me back too...and I will be soooo happy when the trolley is finished it rocks!!! it used to run down streets all over and times they are a changing...well changed good I love the story of it all...when do I get the mag? ; }
loves ya