Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It has been awhile.......

This has defiantly been a year, and I'm truly happy for 2008 to be here. I haven't been wanting to blog lately, but I've decided to get back into it. The Holidays are over and I have a chance to start anew. Although me starting anew is without my dear sister Sydney who died this last November right before Thanksgiving and It's been the hardest thing to deal with in my life, but I feel it's a chance to really evaluate what's really important in your life and hold on to it.
This is going to be a good year I can feel it, a year of change. I'm going to make the most of everyday and have no regrets. So 2008 I welcome you, here I come, it's gonna be great!!!


Bobbi Holmes said...

Glad to see you're back! How are the wedding plans coming? I'd love to hear!

Anonymous said...

oh I have not wrote about this one...even though I hated my bad hair day it was such a great time with my two babe's at kennedy school I miss it more then you can ever I am most assured you do also my precious...did I tell you how much I really hate salt??? ya ya well it has been a long ya MoM