Tuesday, March 4, 2008

D is for Daffodills....................

These flowers are so cheerful and are brightening up our apartment perfectly. These were my sisters favorite flowers and when I saw them at our local safeway I had to snag a couple bunches.
Mine are starting to wilt, so I guess it's time to go back to the store.

Today I registered for my Spring Term classes and I'm excited to go back to school. It's been a couple terms since I've taken any classes. Last week I took my placement test and scored higher than I was expecting to, that was a huge relief. I'm switching my major to Nursing from Graphic Design, it's a little scary but I'm super excited to start learning something I've never studied before. I'm going full time with a full load and one of my classes is math, ew that's scary. So as of now I'll be able to apply to nursing school Fall of '09. It seems pretty far away now but I'm sure it'll sneak up quick.


Anonymous said...

yes daffodils have been on my business desk always and when they wilt I just bring them home to start my little daffodil area along with my tulip area as last I heard it was your fav? and when you texed me about the classes peeps heard it for days I could not be more excited and thrilled. I would loved to take my writing 121 with you when you take it? : O love you much

Christina said...

Oh, happy day! That is a sure sign spring is coming.