Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cinco De Mayo

Hope everyone gets a margarita or nice cold sol to drink today. It's been so long since I was on here last. I started back at school last month and it's been keeping me very busy. I mean all I do is work and school. I better get a good nursing job after all this.
My dress is done for the wedding and it looks absolutely perfect! Thanks mom. I can't believe it's a little over 2 months away, time has just flown by. Also it's been a year in Portland, I just got my Oregon plates last week. They say your suppose to get them within the first month but I just registered in California right before moving so I was stretching it a little, ok a lot.
The weather here in Portland has been gorgeous the past couple days and we were lucky enough to have the days off. We spent all day yesterday at McMenamins Edgefield drinking and hanging out with some good friends and family.
I'm gonna try and be a little for regular with the posting, I'll try for once a week but we'll see how it goes. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the weather!


Anonymous said...

I have been sharing what scott said cinco de drinko...that was to funny!!! : O I had a really grand time hanging. it was a fabulous day for you so much. sorry for the other part hope all is well. MoM

Anonymous said...

oh I am sooooooooo happe you really like your dress..was thinking and talking to a customer that works at the mill ends that maybe we should do something around the neck so will talk to you about my thoughts. ; }

Demian Johnston said...

nice happy blog. found it through that weird verve thing.