Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Birthdays everywhere!

So I'm finally posting the birthday present I made for my mom last week. It's a set of 2 tea towels or big napkins however she wants to use them. I also drew the image for her card. It was my first time printing cards and I think it turned out well, at least for the first time. I wish I could have made the lines better in illustrator but I hadn't figured that out yet at that time.
The cupcake design is a transfer I got from the Sublime Stitching book and then I freehanded all the lettering. The cute little bird design I got from a great blog I recently discovered called Floresita things I've made. I just printed out a copy in black and white and drew the outline on to the towel, then I used the colored picture for color and stitch placement inspiration. I really love the bird it's such a lovely design, she does really great work. Now I have so many more gifts and cards to make for August since basically everyone else in my family has birthdays in this month, I think there's about 6. I'm the biggest procrastinator too, so I better get started now if I want to be ready in time.


Anonymous said...

So I told you on my b-day how much I LOVE them and again today on the way home from work...but here is another shout out to ya...
I LOVE my towels!
they are so precious but never more then you sweetheart...; } know I need to put up a towel rack just for them...and the work you did WoW!!! you are a chip off the block of your DaD and I 4sure! PERFECTION!!! not amazed as I knew it from u from a very young age...that you are amazing...: O
and proud to be called SeAnne's MoM even though I do have a name...... : /...just kidding...

Anonymous said...

ps HAPPY 4th and see ya tomorrow for mojito's and a bar b que...family